Minutes of the meeting of the Kangleipak Foundation Trust held on 25th March, 2021 with Kh. Jayanta, Chairman of the trust on the chair.

Members Present:
1. N. Joykumar

2. Kh. Bimola Chanu

Resolution 1: After having a detail discussion the meeting unanimously resolved to appoint Dr. R.K. Ranjan Singh, the Hon'ble Member of Parliament as the Chancellor of the University for a period of three years from the date of the official order.

Resolution 2: The meeting also resolved to take the approval of the State Government according to the Section 15(1) of the Manipur Private Univertisies Act, 2021.

Resolution 3: Resolved to appoint the following persons as the officer of the University.
1. Prof. Naorem Joykumar Singh - Vice Chancellor

2. H. Rajmani Singh - Registrar

3. Prof. N. Ibotombi - Controller of Examination

4. S. Surjeet Singh - Assistant Finance Officer

Resolution 4: Resolved to open a bank account in the name of the Khongnangthaba University. The following persons are selected to operate the bank account and account can be operated by two persons of the three nominees.
1. Kh. Jayanta Meetei

2. Kh. Bimola Chanu

3. N. Joykumar

Resolution 5: Resolved to open the following schools as a part of the beginning of the academic course. The name of the schools are:
1. School of Social Sciences and Humanities

2. School of Life Sciences

3. School of Health and Allied Science

Resolution 6: Further it is also resolved to introduce two research centers. They are:
1. Center for Budhist Study

2. Center for Disaster Management

Resolution 7: Resolved to nominate the following persons as the management committee and finance committee of the University for a period of three years from the date of the official order.

Management Committee
1. Chancellor - Dr. R.K. Ranjan, Inner M.P. Lok Sabha, Manipur

2. Vice Chancellor - Prof. N. Joykumar Singh

3. Registrar - H. Rajamani Singh

4. Five Nominees of Sponsoring Body

  • Prof. Ch. Yashawanta Singh - Retired Professor, Manipur University

  • Col. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava - Chairman CROPS Council

  • Laimayum Basanta Sharma - Co-ordinator, C.M., Manipur

  • Subir Ghosh

  • Prof. P. Nabachandra Singh - Retired Professor, Manipur University

5. Management Nominee for outside Univertisies - Prof. Ch. Ibohal Meetei, Director, MIMS

Finance Committee
1. Vice Chancellor - Prof. N. Joykumar Singh

2. Registrar - H. Rajamani Singh

3. Finance Officer - S. Surjit Singh

4. Two nominees for Sponsoring Body

  • Mrs. Kh. Bimola Chanu

  • Khoisnam Surendro Meitei